Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My walk with Farrakhan - a reminder of the reminder

To make sure we get the best understanding of this article, I will refresh our memory concerning the definition of a reminder, which was explored in part 3 of this series.
A reminder is defined as:
#1 "A message that helps you remember something."
#2 "An experience that causes you to remember something."
#3 "Someone who gives a warning, so that a mistake can be avoided."
While all three aforementioned definitions fit the purpose of this article, however, to be most clear, I will focus on the third definition["Someone who gives a warning, so that a mistake can be avoided."] through this article.
We, black people, in America have been suffering in nearly every area a human being can suffer during our 4 century sojourn in this country. Despite the gains a few of us make, we see a horribly realty in the everyday life of the Blackman and woman here in America. I want to raise a serious question that must be considered by the whole world. Did Almighty God see our suffering for 400 years in America? Second, if he did what is his plan of action to correct this suffering?
We read in the Bible and Qur'an of the mercy of god in coming to the aid of the oppressed and the downtrodden throughout history. Nowhere is this story more prominent than in the story of Moses and the freeing of his people in Egypt, as related in both Bible and Holy Qur'an.
The Bible Isaiah 9:2 teaches us of a people enveloped in darkness who are in need of a light
"The People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light"
Many black people in church may have read this particular passage and never thought of it having any connection to black suffering/salvation in America. However, The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, who was taught by God's Messenger in our time, The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, teaches us that the same God who loved everyone else and sent prophets/messengers for their salvation is now in black peoples corner.
I am aware to some this may seem racist talk, however we are in need of a full reformation and not just civil rights or voting rights.
The prophecies of the lost sheep, the prodigal son, Lazarus and others that the Bible speaks of are being fulfilled in America.
The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger, speaking on his mission and teachings says,
" In this perilous and evil time, with the confusion of the people, government, leaders and rulers, the poor lost-found members of the Black Nation who are called Negroes, and their enemies, must know that the truth is their salvation and their greatest weapon at this time. The preachings and teachings of the true knowledge of God and the devil, which Allah (God) has missioned me to do -- and I am doing for you -- are beyond value. It is your life and the light of your life. It will bring you out of the spiritual darkness and ignorance into which you have been placed by the enemy of the God of truth and light and understanding. "
What mistake are black people making in America that must be avoided? We don't have our own names, religion, culture, God or land that we can call our own. We are sleep(mentally) yet awake. So, ALLAH(God) raises a Messenger and Warner, in the person of The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, to lead, teach and guide us back to the straight path of Almighty God.
For 44 years The Most hon. Elijah Muhammad gave us a real assessment of our situation in America and the real solution to that problem. He taught us the greatest teaching was: Accept your own and be yourself ! This means that we must return to our original state as being in the image and likeness of our Creator(God) and accept our place in his plan of salvation for today.
Our Messenger was rejected and despised by the dominant society, as well as, those he came to serve. We thought he was teaching hate when he told us to get out the names of our former slave masters and their children. We thought he was teachings hate when he told us to reject the ungodly ways of mainstream society. We thought he was teaching hate when he taught us those who enslaved us and mistreated us were Devils.
So, here we are in 2008 in a seriously bad condition. This is a year of great promise for one of us that is being raised to great eminence by this world. Yet, this is a year of sadness as black men, like Sean Bell in New York gets killed on the eve of his wedding and leaves a woman and children. We see a high ranking black police chief almost killed by his own subordinates even after identifying himself. We see black men and women filling the prisons. And even more sadly we see the continued black on black crime, which some use to justify their mistreatment of us.
If you don't believe the prophecies are being fulfilled, we are certainly in need of divine intervention in some way.
Jesus, peace be upon him, in the 4th chapter of Luke verses 18-19 quotes Isaiah the prophet to define his mission,
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to relase the oppressed..."
Today, we must tell those who don't know and remind others who have forgotten God's intervention in our affairs and the raising of a man for our salvation. I am not speaking of Moses 4000 years ago, Jesus of 2000 years ago nor Muhammad of 1400 years ago, but I am speaking of one whom the spirit of the lord is upon and who is anointed to preach good news to the poor[black people]. The guide and the guidance is from The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger of ALLAH.
However, The Messenger departed us in 1975 making it 33 years since we have seen him amongst us. By the continued grace of God, The Hon Louis Farrakhan, since 1977, has stood as a continued reminder of God presence and love for us in America. He is the one who is giving us a warning so a mistake can be avoided. What mistake? The mistake of looking back to others prophets/messengers and not realizing that we have a Messenger sent to us and the same opportunity that other people had.
Minister Farrakhan "reminds" us during his Saviours' Day 2004 speech
"Have you ever heard any scholar of Christianity, Judaism or Islam talk about the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the suffering of Black people in America? Well, don't you think we should ask why?
" Is it that we don't exist in their hearts and minds or do they think that others in the world in less serious condition than ours can receive warning and guidance from Allah (God), but we, the Blacks in the Diaspora and in Africa, have no place in the heart of God? "That's why all you scholars can talk about God in the kingdom, but you don't mention the trans-Atlantic slave trade. You don't mention the horror of our suffering."
I submit myself to be a student of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan, The divine reminder, as he is a student of The Messenger, The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad. I study his wonderful example of building upon the teachings and translating faith into action. Our duty as students is to remind others of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan, so he can then remind them of The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad and his message of salvation. The Hon. Louis Farrakhan has recently taught us that we must not be seekers of big titles and positions without fulfilling the duties of that title or position. I only want to be seen as a "Reminder" of the "Reminder" in my works; a student of the word and servant of the people.

I have built my website for the sole purpose of reminding others of the great truth that is being spread in America.
I have been walking with Minister Farrakhan in the path of God to reach oneness with The Almighty God within. Will you join me?
Thank you for reading these few words!
Copyright2008 ©Mustafaa Muhammad
Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.
He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

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