Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Questions on married life

Question : When a person taking a bath, should he protect his ˆawrah (knee to navel) or not? - by wearing say short or underwear? For the shyness of Allah, and also some said for avoid jinns harm?
Answer: Scholars say it is Makruuh to take a bath with the ˆawrah uncovered. With regards to the harm of jinn, the Prophet Mohammad said if some one say "bismillaah" before taking off his clothes this would be a cover for him from jinn1.
Question: can a husband and wife shower together while looking into both private part if there is no sexual need or desire?
Answer: It is allowed2.
Question: If not in the shower, can a husband and wife look at each other's private parts without sexual desire?
Answer: It is allowed.
Question: If a woman got divorce, and had young kids, but her husband stopped paying, what is her legal right to seek for further help? Through efforts of court? Or any?
Answer: She complains to the Islamic judge, and he will decide.
Question: If the woman is angry with the father, and she did not want the kids to see the irresponsible father, can she stop his visits or the kids going to him? If the father may have bad things around that may effect the kids, such as a drinking problem, or having a girlfriend there, can she prohibit her kids to see their father or their father to see them?
Answer: She cannot prevent him from seeing them, but she can prevent him from entering her house.
Question: What is the father right under normal divorce (with normal relationship to his divorce wife) to visit his children in Islaam? How often? Or any time he has need or kids has the need to see the father?
Answer: Whenever he likes, but she can prevent him from entering her house. The father may take the children to live with him when the boy is 7 and the girl is 9.
Question: If the father want to see the kids but mother did not allow him, but he is doing his father duty ( paying for kids ) what's his right ? And if he took the decision to take kids without his wife agreement or notice, will that be sinful? And what possible result may he face?
Answer: The father may take the children to live with him when the boy is 7 and the girl is 9.
Question: Regarding adultery; some scholar said the ĥadiitħ for the death penalty is weak, what is the correct evidence to prove it?
Answer: If a person has had legitimate intercourse in a marriage with a Muslim, while he/she was also Muslim when that intercourse happened, and both were mukallaf; if adultery happens after that, even after a divorce, then the death penalty applies by the agreement of all scholars that count. This is because of the ĥadiitħ of a companion called Maaˆiz that was stoned to death by the Prophet. Maaˆiz had been previously married, and this ĥadiitħ is in Al-Bukħaariy (#6815, 6820, and 6825) and Muslim (#16 in the Book of Ĥuduud). There is also another ĥadiitħ in which the Prophet said that it is not allowed to kill a Muslim except in three cases, and he mentioned adultery as one of them. Whoever said that that the ĥadiitħ for death penalty is weak is not a scholar.
Question: Oral sex: scholars has different opinions about it? What is the correct saying? ĥalaal? ĥaraam? makruuh?or permissible? and what is the proof?
Answer: Scholars have said it is allowed, but those who said that semen is najis said that one avoids getting najis in the mouth. Those who considered it dirty, but not najis, said one must not swallow it. However, the mouth is an honored body part in Islam, and it is better to avoid this.
Question: If oral sex is halal, and the wife refused to do it, will she be sinful?
Answer: No, she is only sinful if she prevents him from intercourse.
Question: His ejection semen after oral sex is madĥi? If she knew there is possibility for her to swallow the madĥi, will she be sinful?
Answer: Madĥi comes before semen. It is not allowed to put it in the mouth because it is najis.
Question: If a person said he did not believe in all the 4 school of Fiqh - what is the judgment? There is a person that claims to believe only in Qur'aan, and does not believe in the 4 school of Fiqh. What is the judgment by saying that? Could you quote the Quran and sunnah to support their view?
Answer: It is an obligation to follow one of the 4 schools, because there is consensus about their soundness. A common person cannot determine what is a proof and what is not. Moreover, if we allow any person to deduce judgment from Qur'aan and Sunnah, we will have anarchy and the religion will be lost.
Do not bother yourself to try to convince a person who argues about this and is involved with people who take such a view. He/she will will never be convinced, and is interested in arguments for the sake of arguments.

Dar caridad aparte del Zakat

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger)
Islam teaches us the lesson of helping the poor and the needy in the time of need when they are most deprived of things that are otherwise the necessities of life. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty has mentioned at different places the significance of Zakat, but at the same time, the word charity has also been used as an important task that we should perform every now and then.
"Amongst them are men who made a covenant with Allah, that if I have primary on them of His bounty they would give (largely) in charity, and be truly amongst those who are righteous."(Surah At-Taubah)
So, apart from Zakat, charity is also equally important. Although Zakat is a farz worship and has to be carried out by people who are able to pay Zakat. Charity is something which is optional but if given, it is 'ahsan' meaning it is liked by Allah Almighty.
"Allah will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds of charity: for I loveth not ungrateful and wicked creatures."(Surah Al - Baqarah) (Quran Online)
The purpose of mankind in this world is to carry out actions of community service and to help other creatures of GOD, apart from worshipping Him. When people are helped without an expectation of the reward, it is most liked by Allah and I have great rewards for people who shoe humility. He says in the Holy Quran:
"In most of their secret talks there is no good: but if one exhorts to a deed of charity or justice or conciliation between men, (secrecy is permissible): to him who does this, seeking the good pleasure of Allah, We shall soon give a reward of the highest (value)."(Surah An-Nisa)
This means that if you see do some good, then you must refrain from Cartelera about it because the goodness in it dies and the whole act is compromised.
"That which ye lay out for increase through the property of (other) people, will have no increase with Allah: but that which ye give for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah (will increase): it is these who will get to rewards multiplied."(Surah Ar-Room)
Through the act of charity, the property of a person is blessed, and as the be explains, if it is done for seeking countenance, then Allah Almighty compensates the giver with multiplied returns.
At one other occasion, the Holy Quran says:
"And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance;" and establish regular Prayer, and give regular charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. "And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless."(Surah Al - Ahzab)
This view encompasses the whole concept of to charity. May Allah help us with the understandings that have blessed us with to perform the actions that please Him. Quran Online is to place available on the internet from where one can learn how to read the Holy Quran online.

If you want to read more Articles regarding to Islam and Quran, you can find all here: read-quranonline.com is an online Islamic School which offers Quran teaching services online. The school also teaches Quran Anuals and Reading Quran with translation.

My walk with Farrakhan - called us to obedience to God

"And surely this your community is one community, and I am your Lord, so keep your duty to Me. But they became divided into sects, each party rejoicing in that which was with them. So leave them in their ignorance till a time."(Holy Qur'an 23: 52-24)
One of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan's greatest desires since 1977(31 years ago) is to see the unity of black Christian(other faiths too) and black people who claim the Islamic faith. The brother minister has specifically tried to show us the oneness and commonality of the faiths we claim. There has been a degree of misunderstanding with regards to Minister Farrakhan's preaching in Churches and quoting the Bible. Some think The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan is a confused Muslim when he says, "I am a Christian, as well as a Muslim."
At the conclusion of the 7th article in the series, My walk with Farrakhan, it is hoped that my black Christian family may have a better understanding concerning the mission of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan.
Islam is submission to the will of God
The word Islam, due to the actions of some Muslims, has become associated with "terrorism" "fanaticism" "evil" "backwardness" and other bad connotations. Some find it hard to believe the root meaning of Islam is peace. The religion of Islam teaches us that there is only one God called ALLAH and that our life must be one of submission to his will for human beings. By our submitting to God's will and following the five main principles of Islam, we begin to enter into peace with God, self and fellow human beings. Our religion can be discussed more specifically, but I wanted to give a brief overview of Islam for the purpose of the article.
The theme of One God runs through the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible. The Old Testament(Deut 6:4) teaches, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord."The New Testament(Mark 12:29) teaches: Jesus answered, "The foremost is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord."
The Holy Qur'an(2:136), scripture of Muslims, says the follow in support,
"Say: We believe in Allah and(in) that which has been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them and to Him do we submit."
From the oneness of ALLAH(God) we are now being introduced to the oneness of the prophetic community. We are taught in Islam that all of the prophets taught the same basic message. That one message is obedience to God's will. Also, each prophet taught the principles of prayer, charity, faith, family life, being kind to neighbors and fasting. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) taught us 124, 000 prophets have been raised among humanity in different times and none of them disagreed. Why didn't they disagree? They were raised up by God in different times, different societal circumstances yet they preached God is One.
The Holy Qur'an(5:44-48) appeals to the Jews and Christians to not be divided by the revelation of the Qur'an,
"Surely We revealed the Torah, having guidance and light. By it did the prophets who submitted themselves(to Allah) judge for the Jews, and the rabbis and the doctors of law, because they were required to guard the Book of Allah, and they were witnesses thereof. So fear not the people and fear Me, and take not a small price for My messages. And whoever judges not by what Allah hasrevealed, those are the disbelievers."
And further The Qur'an says,
"And We sent after them in their footsteps Jesus, son of Mary, verifying that which was before him of the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, and verifying that which was before it of the Torah, and a guidance and an admonition for the dutiful. And let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah has revealed in it. And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the transgressors."
Finally speaking of the unity within the prophetic community, The Qur'an says,
"And We have revealed to thee the Book with the truth, verifying that which is before it of the Book and a guardian over it, so judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their low desires, (turning away) from the truth that has come to thee. For everyoneof you We appointed a law and a way. And if Allah had pleased He would have made you a single people, but that He might try you in what He gave you. So vie one with another in virtuous deeds. To Allah you will all return, so He will inform you of that wherein you differed. [Note: The book mentioned being revealed is the Qur'an.]
I pray that my effort in these quotes will be understood. I am trying to create a context which to understand the ministry of Minister Farrakhan and his efforts to unite both Muslim and Christian.

Why Jesus must be understood

At this time the die hard black Christian may say, 'Yeah all that sounds good, but you must come by my Jesus to be saved.' Or 'Jesus is the only way to salvation, my friend.'
I will say in defense, we must have greater understanding. The Bible teaches us,
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7)
There is a difference between what Jesus(peace be upon him) taught and what Christianity teaches. Also, our present understanding of God, Jesus and Christianity came via our former slave masters and their children.
Jesus taught that God(his father) was One. However, Christianity teaches a trinity of God's. Jesus taught of the supremacy of his father, God, over him. However, Christianity made Jesus equal with God and a God himself. Jesus said, 'I come not to change the law or the prophets, but to fulfill.' However, Christianity teaches that all the former prophets were sinners and in certain respects the former books are devalued.
What has been accepted as the teachings of Jesus(Christianity) are actually the interpretations of his teachings according to men. These interpretations were formulated and passed via vote at the Nicene council in 325 A.D.
According to Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
"The First Council of Nicaea, held in Nicaea in Bithynia (present-day Ä°znik inTurkey), convoked by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325, was the first Ecumenical council of the Christian Church, and most significantly resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed...... The purpose of the council was to resolve disagreements in the Church of Alexandria over the nature of Jesus in relationship to the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was of the same substance as God the Father or merely of similar substance. St. Alexander of Alexandria and Athanasius took the first position; the popular presbyter Arius, from whom the term Arian controversy comes, took the second. The council decided against the Arians overwhelmingly (of the estimated 250-318 attendees, all but 2 voted against Arius). Another result of the council was an agreement on when to celebrate the Resurrection, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar...... The Council of Nicaea was historically significant because it was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assemblyrepresenting all of Christendom. "It was the first occasion for the development of technical Christology."
Let me stop and say this. I am in no way trying to weaken the faith of any true Christian nor am I trying to "diss" Jesus(Peace be upon him). I will add that what is called Orthodox Islam or Sunni Islam is an interpretation of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) and a perversion of what the man originally taught. I wanted to clear that up, so I wont lose my Christian family and abort our coming to greater understanding.
According to both the Bible and the Qur'an Jesus is given special mention as a servant of Almighty God. We are taught that he prayed, gave charity, spoke the truth and fasted. We are told that he believed in and represented one God to his followers and the general public. We don't find in Jesus' own words any support for the doctrines that his name have been put on.
All Muslims, regardless to sect, are taught to love, honor and revere Jesus as an honored servant of Almighty God. We do not pray to Jesus or worship him in any way, shape or form. We find great inspiration in his stand for what is right during his time on Earth.
My black Christian family must not worship Jesus, but rather follow Jesus and submit to the will of the Father, Almighty God. Remember, the slave master didn't introduce us to Jesus to make us better human beings, but to make us better slaves for them.
In a Book titled "What if Blacks didn't exist?" by author Felix Ehui the Author differentiates between the "Christianity" practiced by the Europeans and the "Christianity" practiced by those under her oppression. He explains it as:
"Since slavery, there have always been two kinds of Christianities in America: the one that Europeans control and the one that tries to be true to its African roots."(pg.22)
Can Muslims and Christians unite?

The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan made a call for 1 million men to show up in Washington D.C. for the purpose of atonement and reconciliation with God and each other. The amazing thing is the majority of those who came identified themselves as Christians. On that day, Muslims and Christians prayed together, laughed together, ate together and prayed together in the oneness of Almighty God. The message of Minister Farrakhan on that day was go back to whatever house of worship you are in and make it better, more responsive to the needs of the community.
Minister Farrakhan commonly goes into churches to help clarify our misunderstanding of Jesus and to help foster unity between us by focusing on the principle of obedience to God. He teaches us that a true Muslim is a Christian and a true Christian is a Muslim. How can this be? The followers of Muhammad are seeking oneness with God by submitting to his will and following his servant, Muhammad. The followers of Jesus are seeking oneness with God by submitting to his will and following his servant, Jesus. Therefore, if both are seeking the way to God, but through different men, why shouldn't we work to understand each other and love one another.
During a speech titled "Self Improvement The Basis For Community Development" Minister Farrakhan spoke on our ultimate unity:
"Tonight, there are Christians and Muslims praying together, singing together, seated together. Why? Because Farrakhan does not come into the Valley to divide people who believe in God, but to show those who believe in God that, if you truly believe in God and seek to understand what you believe, you find a way to connect things that appear to be diverse and different. Because, if we can connect Indians and Mexicans and Blacks, who appear to be different (and whites), then what can you do to connect Hebrews, Muslims, Christians. It should be easier to connect those who believe in God than those who are culturally and racially different. Tonight, we are going to overcome all of that."
There are too many Churches, Mosques and other places of worship in the black community, yet our neighborhoods reflect a hellish condition instead of Godliness. In the word community we find unity and in the word unity we find the meaning one. There is One God and one prophetic community, so let us not be divided in these perilous times.
In my walk with Min. Farrakhan he has taught me to love all of my black brothers and sisters whether they prescribe to my beliefs or not. He has given me an ecumenical understanding of God and his word which allows me to interact and work with my Christian brothers and sisters in harmony.
We shouldn't even let there be division over the various names we call the one true God. The Holy Qur'an gives and answer to this potential diving issue
Say: Call on Allah or call on the Beneficent. By whatever (name) you call on Him, He has the best names.(HQ 17: 110)
Repetition is a great teacher, so I will close this article with the Quranic verse I opened it with.
"And surely this your community is one community, and I am your Lord, so keep your duty to Me. But they became divided into sects, each party rejoicing in that which was with them. So leave them in their ignorance till a time." (Holy Qur'an 23: 52-24)
The black community is in need of Godly black men and women who are willing to struggle the way the prophets did to make a better reality for our elders, children and women. We don't have to stop being who/what we are to recognize a brother or sister who believes in Jesus, Muhammad or both.
Thank you for reading these few words!
Copyright2008©Mustafaa Muhammad

Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.
He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

My Walk With Farrakhan - Closing the Gap

This 9th article in the series, my walk with Farrakhan, will be the final article in a long series. I wrote the first article in the series a little over two years ago during one of my most pained and difficult stages in my life. Each article has inspired me to greater self-examination and introspection. The time to complete the 9 articles has been a journey to say the least. I was able to review my motives for accepting to be a student under Minister Farrakhan and the body of knowledge that he represents, the teachings of The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad.
I want to end this series speaking on what I feel is the most important aspect of what Brother Minster Farrakhan represents. We are being called today to close a gap. The greatest gap that must be closed is the one between us and Almighty God. The prophets of God come in the absence of the human being's ability to find the divine light within them self. So, the prophets stand as reflections of what man and woman could be if they would totally submit their will to Almighty God and no other. [I am not trying to suggest that Minister Farrakhan is a prophet] However, many students of prophets, teaches, sages and other divine men don't understand this point and instead worship the teacher, who only wants to guide the student to a greater power.
The word Gap is defined as
1)a: a break in a barrier (as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense)b: an assailable position b: an incomplete or deficient area -a gap in her knowledge- 3) a break in continuity 4) lack of balance 5) a wide difference in character or attitude 6) a problem caused by some disparity2) a separation in space
The ultimate aim of the Hon. Louis Farrakhan
I heard Minister Farrakhan once say during a 1994 speech titled "The crucifixion of Jesus and the imprisonment of Minister Farrakhan" that his only job is "To connect you to God and then God will lead you." This directly correlates with the bible teachings in Psalm 23:1 which reads,
"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want"
The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger in our times similarly says,
"My main mission and work, put upon me by Allah (God), in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is due forever, is to put you on the right path so you may go for self under the guidance of Almighty God Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad."(Our Saviour has arrived Chapter 23)
As we can see Minister Farrakhan is not interested in setting up a cult of personality worshipers, but rather true men and women who will be connected to and guided by God directly. He constantly reminds us he is a human being and will leave the earth as all flesh and blood humans must, but The Almighty God is eternal and ever-living.
According to the teachings of the Holy Qur'an there are three stages we must travel to reach our highest human development. The three stages are Ammarah, Lawamma and Muta'Innah and I will briefly speak on them at this time.
The Ammarah stage of development is the lowest stage of development and is compared to the animalistic stage. At this stage we are concerned with fulfilling our basic duties of eating, sleeping and procreating. This stage is also one where emotion and/or ego rule of reason.
Lawamma- This stage represents the human being travelling (transition) on a journey to divine. It is a state of awakening consciousness. The human being recognizes that they do not want to exist as a slave to their flesh, but still sees the road to complete harmony as long, but capable goal to reach.
Muta'Innah- We have travelled from Animal to human to coming into the presence of the divine when we reach this final stage. This stage is reached when we are in total ones with the Almighty God ALLAH and are under his shepherd ship.
The Holy Qur'an illustrates this state of unity with God in the following words
"O soul that art at rest, Return to thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing, So enter among My servants, And enter My Garden!" (HQ 89:27-30)
The Hon. Louis Farrakhan is travelling on this road and he asks all of us to join him in this sacred pilgrimage to meet with God. As I mentioned a couple of articles ago, you would do a great disservice to yourself to limit the Minister to just being a spokesperson for the hurt and suffering of black people in America and the world. We, must recognize his desire to see a spiritual awakening in us and the world.
Self improvement the basis for community development
In accordance with the Hon. Louis Farrakhan's desire to see a spiritual awakening in us, he developed an entire course of study revolving around the self -examination, self- analysis and correction of things in us which inhibit out total development into Godliness. This course of study is called Self improvement: The basis for community development and it currently consists of 19 units of study from various topics like overcoming difficulty, finding balance and centering our self with Almighty ALLAH.
In presenting this course of study The Hon. Louis Farrakhan wrote a letter of introduction for the new student. He spoke of his ideas and goals for the course of study,
"This letter is to introduce you to the new study guide material. These study and training units are based upon a speech which I delivered September 21, 1986 in Phoenix, Arizona.
This speech, in my judgment, formally ushers in that which is the launching pad of a worldwide movement.
Each study session is designed on the guidance of Allah to produce: self-examination; self-analysis; self-correction; and, to quicken in each of us, the self-accusing spirit. For, it is only when we are awakened morally that we have to face the self-accusing spirit which leads to our resurrection...
Resurrection is that process that begins with the self-accusing spirit and does not end until we become one in perfect harmony or peace with Allah and His Creation.
If you will notice, this inner voice does the work of a Messenger of Allah (God). Would you knowingly kill one of Allah's (God's) prophets or messengers? What would be the punishment if you did?
Everytime we act to still the voice of correction, coming from within ourselves, we are in fact murdering the Messenger of Allah (God). The result is spiritual blindness, leading to spiritual death, leading ultimately to an untimely physical death.
If we desire to stay alive spiritually, we must never still the voice of Allah (God) within. We must protect it, for in our moral awakening, it is the best friend that we have; for it is Allah (God) working on the inside of us...
The more we feed on truth and right guidance from Allah (God) the stronger the voice becomes. That inner voice is like a seed which can ultimately grow into its perfected state, to be the Mind of God Himself in you. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus..." PHILIPPIANS 2:5"
Each student, after studying the principle under analysis, must then analyze self and critique self. The study sessions, while leading the student to self-examination, first; self-analysis, second; self-correction, third; must simultaneously be therapeutic. Therefore, these sessions must be twofold. consisting of both theory and practice. The practice will refine the theory."
Further in the actual base of the course Minister Farrakhan explains why self-improvement is important to self, family, community and nation.
"I have chose for my subject: "SELF-IMPROVEMENT: THE BASIS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT." Now, there are many, many developers who buy land and develop that land into communities, towns and cities; placing on this land magnificent structures costing hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars.
This activity of land development is going on in Phoenix and in cities around the country, and, indeed, around the Earth. However, to those who spend those hundreds of millions and billions of dollars building structures: unless we build people; unless the human potential of people is developed; then man, in his underdeveloped state, will ultimately destroy the cities that he has built because of revolution and war.
So, the Scripture is right in teaching, 'What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?' What would it profit us to build magnificent structures, beautiful buildings, magnificent bridges, built with magnificent technology and the soul of those human beings are wretched and deprived and underdeveloped and rotting from within? How does one lose one's soul? What is so important about the soul, or the essence of our being, that if we lose it, we lose everything?
This is why I have chosen the subject, "SELF-IMPROVEMENT: THE BASIS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT." Because it is the improvement of each of us as human beings that is lacking in the world, and because instead of human beings improving, they are degenerating. Then there is no hope for the nations, for they are all on a path of self-destruction."
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad asked the question, how strong is the foundation: Can we survive, during his Saviour's Day 1968 speech? The foundation is of course our connection to ALLAH which the study guides of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan will help us strengthen.
Is Minister Farrakhan a racist, divider, anti-Semite or a hater?
Some reject the guidance from The Hon. Louis Farrakhan, because they have bought into the lies promoted by others that Min. Farrakhan is not a nice man or is a racist hater of others. Nothing could be further from the truth as this section of the article will show. The truth must me told and the lies exposed, so that this gap will be closed between others and Min. Farrakhan.
The 1st and most popular charge against The Hon. Louis Farrakhan is he is anti-Semitic against the Jewish people. It has falsely been repeated in the media that he stated that Judaism is a gutter religion. All Muslims know that Moses and the prophets of Israel, which is the base of Judaism, are true prophets and would never regard the revealed word to them as gutter.
The issue started during the 1984 presidential nomination run of Jesse Jackson and some Jews speaking ill of Rev. Jackson, which the minister took up the defense of his brother.
On June 24th 1984 Minister Farrakhan made the following statement, which caused all the confusion:
".America and England and the nations backed Israel's existence. Therefore when you aid and abet someone in a criminal conspiracy, you are a part of that criminal conspiracy. So America and England and the nations are criminals in the sight of Almighty God. Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name."
I would like to note that Minister Farrakhan has used this term "dirty religion" to label other religious people who don't live up to their religion's standards and even members of the Nation of Islam when applicable as the following shows:
"Well, the commander-in-chief of the Nation of Islam is the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad. We have no other commander. We want no other commander. All of us are stand-ins and as long as we recite His commands then we are worthy to stand in for Him. But when we begin to use His name to shield a dirty religion and then begin to impose self made commands in His name..." (Meaning of FOI Pg. 11)
Minister Farrakhan explains that he can help the Jewish people if they will not reject him
"I'm not an enemy to the Jewish people. You have become an enemy to yourselves. I'm here to call you back to the laws, statutes and commandments from which you have deviated; yet you would call me an anti-Semite?"(Holy Day of Atonement message delivered October 16, 1997 at the U.I.C. Pavilion in Chicago by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in observance of the 2nd anniversary of the Million Man March.)
Some have suggested that The Hon. Louis Farrakhan in speaking out against some Caucasians, who make life hard for his people, is a racist hater. However, as his words will show he doesn't hold malice for a whole group of people:
"Now, I am going to speak specifically to Caucasian people---without malice, without hatred, just speaking to the facts. You have desired to be the center of the life of all other peoples of the world. You want your culture, your way of looking at God, your way of looking at life, to be what they perceive reality is. And because you desire that like a child, to be the center of everything; white folks, you are not the center; you have got to take your place. Listen to me good! Your desire to be the center has ruined you, ruined your soul and ruined your nation and ruined your world. You are not the center. God has always been (the center), but you won't recognize Him, with your proud, arrogant, haughty, self-conceited, boastful, mischiefmaking, bloodshedding malice...It is this childishness that produces racism. 'Well, my color is better than yours. See, I am white."(Self Improvement: The basis for community development pg. 18-19)
Further he says
"It's terrible that some of those with power and influence label me a "Hitler," a racist or a hater, so that they can justify their own people, or agents among our people, in attempts to defame and otherwise harm me. This is hiding the light. This is scapegoating." (A torchlight for America chapter Hiding the light)
The Bible, the book most claim to follow, doesn't teach it a sin to hate. We as black people were given the crazy doctrine that we should love everyone even if the person were our oppressor.
The Book of Ecclesiastes verse 1 and 8 gives balance to our misguided love
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
God himself says he hates
"As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."(Romans 9:13)
Jesus(Peace be upon him) says we must even hate our parents(if they disobey God) to follow him in obedience to God
"If any [man] come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)
Also, Jesus teaches he will separate nations
"And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left."(25:31)
My ultimate hope is that this article series will inspire you to re-examine The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and find your own unique Godly greatness. A very special thing has happened in America. There is a truth being spread in America that all black people must reconsider. This truth being spread by The Hon. Louis Farrakhan and others is the intense love of God for our pitiful condition and his ultimate plan to correct this divine problem. Also, this country and her rulers could benefit in this time from the call of God if they would heed the word and follow the divine instructions coming from the man of God on the scene today.
Thank you for reading this article

Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.
He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

My walk with Farrakhan - a reminder of the reminder

To make sure we get the best understanding of this article, I will refresh our memory concerning the definition of a reminder, which was explored in part 3 of this series.
A reminder is defined as:
#1 "A message that helps you remember something."
#2 "An experience that causes you to remember something."
#3 "Someone who gives a warning, so that a mistake can be avoided."
While all three aforementioned definitions fit the purpose of this article, however, to be most clear, I will focus on the third definition["Someone who gives a warning, so that a mistake can be avoided."] through this article.
We, black people, in America have been suffering in nearly every area a human being can suffer during our 4 century sojourn in this country. Despite the gains a few of us make, we see a horribly realty in the everyday life of the Blackman and woman here in America. I want to raise a serious question that must be considered by the whole world. Did Almighty God see our suffering for 400 years in America? Second, if he did what is his plan of action to correct this suffering?
We read in the Bible and Qur'an of the mercy of god in coming to the aid of the oppressed and the downtrodden throughout history. Nowhere is this story more prominent than in the story of Moses and the freeing of his people in Egypt, as related in both Bible and Holy Qur'an.
The Bible Isaiah 9:2 teaches us of a people enveloped in darkness who are in need of a light
"The People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light"
Many black people in church may have read this particular passage and never thought of it having any connection to black suffering/salvation in America. However, The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, who was taught by God's Messenger in our time, The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, teaches us that the same God who loved everyone else and sent prophets/messengers for their salvation is now in black peoples corner.
I am aware to some this may seem racist talk, however we are in need of a full reformation and not just civil rights or voting rights.
The prophecies of the lost sheep, the prodigal son, Lazarus and others that the Bible speaks of are being fulfilled in America.
The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger, speaking on his mission and teachings says,
" In this perilous and evil time, with the confusion of the people, government, leaders and rulers, the poor lost-found members of the Black Nation who are called Negroes, and their enemies, must know that the truth is their salvation and their greatest weapon at this time. The preachings and teachings of the true knowledge of God and the devil, which Allah (God) has missioned me to do -- and I am doing for you -- are beyond value. It is your life and the light of your life. It will bring you out of the spiritual darkness and ignorance into which you have been placed by the enemy of the God of truth and light and understanding. "
What mistake are black people making in America that must be avoided? We don't have our own names, religion, culture, God or land that we can call our own. We are sleep(mentally) yet awake. So, ALLAH(God) raises a Messenger and Warner, in the person of The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, to lead, teach and guide us back to the straight path of Almighty God.
For 44 years The Most hon. Elijah Muhammad gave us a real assessment of our situation in America and the real solution to that problem. He taught us the greatest teaching was: Accept your own and be yourself ! This means that we must return to our original state as being in the image and likeness of our Creator(God) and accept our place in his plan of salvation for today.
Our Messenger was rejected and despised by the dominant society, as well as, those he came to serve. We thought he was teaching hate when he told us to get out the names of our former slave masters and their children. We thought he was teachings hate when he told us to reject the ungodly ways of mainstream society. We thought he was teaching hate when he taught us those who enslaved us and mistreated us were Devils.
So, here we are in 2008 in a seriously bad condition. This is a year of great promise for one of us that is being raised to great eminence by this world. Yet, this is a year of sadness as black men, like Sean Bell in New York gets killed on the eve of his wedding and leaves a woman and children. We see a high ranking black police chief almost killed by his own subordinates even after identifying himself. We see black men and women filling the prisons. And even more sadly we see the continued black on black crime, which some use to justify their mistreatment of us.
If you don't believe the prophecies are being fulfilled, we are certainly in need of divine intervention in some way.
Jesus, peace be upon him, in the 4th chapter of Luke verses 18-19 quotes Isaiah the prophet to define his mission,
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to relase the oppressed..."
Today, we must tell those who don't know and remind others who have forgotten God's intervention in our affairs and the raising of a man for our salvation. I am not speaking of Moses 4000 years ago, Jesus of 2000 years ago nor Muhammad of 1400 years ago, but I am speaking of one whom the spirit of the lord is upon and who is anointed to preach good news to the poor[black people]. The guide and the guidance is from The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger of ALLAH.
However, The Messenger departed us in 1975 making it 33 years since we have seen him amongst us. By the continued grace of God, The Hon Louis Farrakhan, since 1977, has stood as a continued reminder of God presence and love for us in America. He is the one who is giving us a warning so a mistake can be avoided. What mistake? The mistake of looking back to others prophets/messengers and not realizing that we have a Messenger sent to us and the same opportunity that other people had.
Minister Farrakhan "reminds" us during his Saviours' Day 2004 speech
"Have you ever heard any scholar of Christianity, Judaism or Islam talk about the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the suffering of Black people in America? Well, don't you think we should ask why?
" Is it that we don't exist in their hearts and minds or do they think that others in the world in less serious condition than ours can receive warning and guidance from Allah (God), but we, the Blacks in the Diaspora and in Africa, have no place in the heart of God? "That's why all you scholars can talk about God in the kingdom, but you don't mention the trans-Atlantic slave trade. You don't mention the horror of our suffering."
I submit myself to be a student of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan, The divine reminder, as he is a student of The Messenger, The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad. I study his wonderful example of building upon the teachings and translating faith into action. Our duty as students is to remind others of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan, so he can then remind them of The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad and his message of salvation. The Hon. Louis Farrakhan has recently taught us that we must not be seekers of big titles and positions without fulfilling the duties of that title or position. I only want to be seen as a "Reminder" of the "Reminder" in my works; a student of the word and servant of the people.

I have built my website for the sole purpose of reminding others of the great truth that is being spread in America.
I have been walking with Minister Farrakhan in the path of God to reach oneness with The Almighty God within. Will you join me?
Thank you for reading these few words!
Copyright2008 ©Mustafaa Muhammad
Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.
He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

My walk with Farrakhan - the reality of the million man March

"Call to the way of thy Lord"
with wisdom and goodly exhortation,
"and argue with them in the best manner."
Continuing on in the series, My walk with Farrakhan, we will examine the Million Man March on October 16th, 1995 called by God through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
It is amazing to think that 12 years have passed since that beautiful day on the Washington mall with nearly 2 million black men congregating in love. From that day until this day many have not understood the purpose for the march nor its goal by the author. Who was the ultimate author of the Million Man March and for what cause?
Minister Farrakhan while speaking to the gathered men reminded them,
"You came not at the call of Louis Farrakhan, but you have gathered here at the call of God." For it is only the call of Almighty God, no matter through whom that call came, that could generate this kind of outpouring. God called us here to this place. At this time. "For a very specific reason."
Minister Farrakhan said that have called for the "march" in response to the global pitiful image of black men as portrayed in film, music and the media some. I further stated that I wanted to show an example to the world that black men can and must unite together in love and harmony to affect positive change in our communities.
The call of the Million Man March is rooted in biblical tradition of Jesus calling Lazarus from the grave. However, today a modern day man of God is calling to people, not from a physical grave of death, but from a mental-spiritual severe of death and ignorance.
Let us review John 11: 43-44 for clarity
"And when I had spoken thus, I cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth." And I have that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. "Jesus saith unto them, loose him, and let him go."
The Holy Qur'an ' an bears witness in similar words
"We have revealed to thee that"
thou mayest bring forth men, by their
Lord's permission, from darkness
"into light, to the way of the Mighty, the Praised One"
When you look at the black community then as well as now it becomes clear that we are in need of to healing and resurrection of our minds.
My condition at the time of the Million Man March
At the time of the call of the Million Man March my life was similar to the life you see many young black men participating in. I walked with my pants hanging of my behind (sagging). I didn't attend school much and did not take serious authority. I spent my nights getting drunk and/or high with drugs. I thought I was living the good life in my downgraded life of without. I didn't know at the time, but Almighty God was preparing me for bigger and better things.
I was told by my mother, who was fed up with my behavior, she was required me to stay home and watch the Million Man March. She told me that since I can't do anything with you maybe Farrakhan can put some sense in your head.
I sat at home watching the many men and speakers on that blessed day on October16th, 1995 and was being transformed on the inside by Almighty God's spirit. However, when I heard Minister Farrakhan speak I received a message, not so much in words, but I felt him speaking directly from his spirit to my spirit. I took the pledge of the Million Man March and decided to begin the journey towards elevation.
The pledge of The Million Man March asked(by_Minister_Farrakhan) encouraged us to do the following things,
"Take this pledge with me." Say with me please, I say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself.
I say your name, from this day forward will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically, and economically for the benefit of myself, my family, and my people.
I say your name, pledge that I will strive to build business, build houses, build hospitals, build factories, and then to enter international trade for the good of myself, my family, and my people.
I say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will never raise my hand with to knife or a gun to beat, cut, or shoot any member of my family or any human being, except in self - defense.
I say your name, pledge from this day forward I will never abuse my wife by striking here, disrespecting her for she is the mother of my children and the producer of my future.
I say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will never engage in the abuse of children, little boys, little girls for sexual gratification or. But I will let them grow in peace to be strong men and women for the future of our people.
I say your name, will never again use the B word to describe my female, but particularly my own Black sister.
I say your name, pledge from this day forward that I will not poison my body with drugs or that which is destructive to my health and my well being.
I say your name, pledge from this day forward, I will support Black newspapers, Black radio, Black television. I will support Black artists, who clean up their acts to show respect for themselves and respect for their people, and respect for the ears of the human family.
"I, say your name, will do all of this so help me God."
I know where I came from and where I was inspired to go as a direct result of the call of the Million Man March. I will never let anyone disrespect that day by saying it didn't achieve anything. I was a man that was lost, but was inspired to be a better person by the truth and presence of Minister Farrakhan at the Million Man March.
I like to use the example of to patient going to doctor as an example of the Million Man March. You can't blame a doctor if you are sick and you go to a doctor to heal you and the doctor prescribes you a prescription, however you never go home and take the prescription, so you die. Such doctor cannot be charged with malpractice. It is the responsibility of both the doctor to prescribe and the patient to take the medicine to affect healing.
Do In conclusion what medicine did "doctor" Farrakhan give to black men at the Million Man March?
In the following words I gave the ultimate medicine and purpose for our presence at the "march",
"Well, some of us are here because it's making history." Some of us are here because it's a march through which we can express anger and rage with America for what she has and is doing to us. So, we're here for many reasons but the basic reason while this was called was for atonement and reconciliation. "So, it is necessary for me in as short of time as possible to give as full an explanation of atonement as possible."
I have gave us the following summation of 8 steps of atonement
1) Point out the wrong
(2) Acknowledge the wrong
(3) Confess fault
Repentance (4)
Atonement (5)
(6) Forgiveness
(7) Reconciliation and restoration
(8) Perfect union with God
Long live the spirit of the Million Man March!

Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam his faith as he is at home in the Church(or_other_religious_institutions) as he is in the Mosque.
I've been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques / Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.